The following text & stats are designated Open Gaming Content as per the OGL:
Magnetize (Reversible)
Magnetize (Reversible)
Level: 5
Type: Enchantment
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round/level
AoE: 1' by 1'/level
Comp: V, S, M
Speed: 5 segments
Save: None
Description: This spell allows the magic-user to magnetize an object so strongly that items of steel are irresistibly drawn to it and stuck fast until the spell duration runs its course, or a dispel magic is used. The area that can be effected is 1 foot by 1 foot per level beyond the 9th. Likewise, the range that the magnetized object will draw steel items to it is 1/2" per level beyond the 9th. The amount of weight that can be drawn to the magnetized object is 100 gold pieces per level of the caster; thus, most hand held items will be drawn to the magnetized object at 9th level, while at higher levels it is possible that even a man in metal armor or a larger metallic object could be irresistibly drawn to the magnetized object.
Like it! Gonna use it!